

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Methods : How to Rid Lice

So the bugs have paid you an unpleasant visit?  How to rid lice depends on how serious the problem has become.  Lice are small insect like parasites that annoy us humans by feeding on our blood.  They're not much different than fleas on our pets, just a different type of parasite. There are some effective ways and remedies as to how to rid lice ranging from chemical products, to simple home remedies like mayonnaise. Again it all depends on the individual and ones personal taste. you may want to integrate a combination of treatments. Be aware that combinations of chemicals are not recommended, as chemical lice treatments combined can be very harmful.

It's vital that treatment for lice remains urgent and that you should  report them as soon as they make their presence,  especially with school-age children. Many people notice head lice because they experience a head rash and itching. Upon close inspection, lice eggs known as nits are revealed around the roots of the hair. Lice treatment involves both killing the adult lice and ensuring that the nits do not hatch. Since nits incubate for around a week, any successful treatment will last at least a week, with two week treatments being much more common.

Lice shampoos often contain insecticides which are designed to specifically attack lice and nits that are about to hatch.  Make sure that the product you use does not cause you any allergies. Check the product carefully for this before using them. Keep in mind that these products are  not recommended for children under two, and they should be kept away from pets. Some insecticides are highly toxic for household pets, and a small dosage could be fatal. If you choose to use a lice shampoo, follow the directions carefully, and combine it with regular combing, which some people believe is the most crucial element in lice removal. Do use more shampoo than is recommended, as this can be dangerous, and if you are combining medicated shampoo and natural treatments, start with the shampoo.

 Dump the combings onto a paper towel which can be burned or flushed afterwards. Even after a lice infestation, combing a few days a week is an excellent idea.

How else might you rid lice?  You can also try applying oil or Vaseline overnight. This will suffocate the adult head lice and condition the patient's hair to a silky shine. Rinse with shampoo several times if after the first time the results aren't sufficient and combing is still required. Some essential oils also help with head lice; try tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil, both of which are natural and mild insecticides

You can also try applying oil or Vaseline overnight. This will suffocate the adult head lice and condition the patient's hair to a silky shine. Several rinses with shampoo will be needed to remove the oil, and combing is still required. Some essential oils also help with head lice; try tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil, both of which are natural and mild insecticides.

Please take a look at some of our recommended products in the home page. I hope you can find a product that will help you if you're looking for a solution with how to rid lice.

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1 comment:

  1. It's nice.. The methods which you had shared to get rid of Head Lice was informative which helps us a lot to get the better prevention in an effective way, Thanks a lot for sharing.
